Oxwall 1.7.2 is out

Oxwall 1.7.2 is available for download immediately. All details about this release can be found here.

Important: If you are running Oxwall of any previous version, you are encouraged to wait until the auto-update prompt appears in your admin area. Before you attempt it, make sure to:

  • Back up your website. Seriously, folks, better safe than sorry;
  • Install all available plugin updates right after the platform update completes;
  • Install a theme update right after the platform update completes.

If you don’t want to perform the update yourself, check companies specializing in Oxwall support.

Oxwall team.

Oxwall 1.7.2 beta release

Hey there! We’ve been very busy during the 2.5 months since the last release, and for a good reason. It took us longer than we expected to develop this iteration and test it internally, that’s why we are glad to finally show you what we’ve been working on.

Today we are releasing Oxwall 1.7.2 beta. This release will contain some important fixes that we invite you to make yourself familiar with.

Most notable changes:

Flags (platform)

Flagging content has always been an underdeveloped aspect in Oxwall. We are focused on optimizing daily experience with Oxwall, that’s why we came up with a new, completely redesigned moderation interface in the admin area. If will be populated with various types of flagged content for your review:


Avatars (platform)

Finally! Users can now choose avatars from their existing photo albums. Sorry, it took unreasonably long, nonetheless here it is:


Oh, the new, redesigned avatar crop interface:


Messages (plugin)

And of course, we continue to smoothen our new Messages plugin, since it needs a lot of care to be a valid site communication tool. Here’s what we’ve done with it this time:

– Increased conversation body area;
– Improved conversation list (back icon, attachment indicator, group actions);
– Text formatting for input;
– Various performance optimizations (see changelog).


These are the most notable changes for this release. Review complete changelog here.

Please note: this is a beta release, not intended for deployment in production environment.  Beta testers now have the time to test the new release. Developers and designers are invited to check their store items for 1.7.2 compatibility.

Public release of Oxwall 1.7.2 is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 25.

Thank you,
Oxwall Foundation team